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Preferred Resources of The Rainbow Disruption


"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou

Check out our diversity and inclusion glossary, and get busy doing better!

  • AGL (All-Gender-Loving)
    A phrase coming from African-American communities that refers to people who are attracted to multiple or all genders.
  • Bicultural
    Bicultural is a term that refers to people who possess the values, beliefs, languages, and behaviors of two distinct ethnic or racial groups.
  • CD&I
    Acronym for Culture, Diversity and Inclusion. Walmart, the U.S. Navy and others use CD&I to describe their overall diversity initiatives.

Diversity Calendar
A year-long diversity and inclusion calendar for 2025. It includes diverse religious holidays, universal heritage months, and monthly diversity program themes.

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